Laksamana College of Business (LCB) student delegates recently participated in the Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp 7th Edition in Bangkok, Thailand from July 25 to 27.
The selected students were partially sponsored by the college.
The event was attended by aspiring entrepreneurs from 35 countries around the globe including delegates from the United States, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, Malaysia, Thailand, Nepal, Vietnam, India, Philippines and Ghana.
This is afirst fordelegates from Brunei to be accepted in the Global Entrepreneurship Bootcamp.
Muhammad Wa’ez Asyraf bin Dollah, Aniyah Bazilah binti Abu Hasrah, Awangku Muhd Saifullah bin Pengiran Imran and Siti Nurul Aqeelah binti Haji Shahrin were selected to represent LCB.
The students were accompanied by LCB Incuvation Centre Lead and Mentor Norazi Norani and Head of Training/Development and Incuvation Centre Jay Santhanam.
The three days event featured a number speakers, mentors, start-up founders from around the world.
This included an innovation counsellor from Thailand’s National Innovation Agency Kulisara Budpud who spoke about supporting schemes for Agtech Startup; Pacharawan Aksornsawas from National Innovation Agency who shared Thailand’s innovation ecosystem; the Founder and CEO of NGROUP Thanh Dinh, Vice Director of FTU Innovation and Incubation Space (FIIS).